19 Apr ‘20

Facebook Marketing 101: How to Use Facebook for Marketing Your Business in 2020

19 Apr ‘20

In: Marketing, / By: Ripe Media

Facebook marketing 101

Do you own or run a small business? There are over 30 million small businesses in the United States employing almost half of all employees. 

Marketing your business is one of your biggest jobs, but it’s not always easy. If you’re not on Facebook, you’re missing a huge marketing opportunity!

Are you struggling to understand how to use Facebook for marketing? Read our Facebook marketing 101 guide and reach many more potential customers.

Facebook’s Social Media Platform

Facebook is a huge social media platform boasting more than 2 billion monthly users. It’s for far more than connecting with friends. 

In fact, two-thirds of all Facebook users across the globe visit a Facebook business page once a week. A Facebook business page is essential for marketing your business. 

Using Facebook for your business isn’t always intuitive. Once you get the hang of it, though, it’s not difficult. 

Create a Facebook Business Page 

Setting up a business page on Facebook is free and it only takes a few minutes. You will need a personal page first. Your personal info won’t show on the business page.

You’ll choose the type of business, and you’ll need a couple of good photos of your logo or business for your page. Later, you’ll add more links, content, and photos. 

Edit your page info and add as many details as possible. Be sure and include your contact information and a link to your website. 

Take advantage of a vanity URL for your Facebook user name. On your business page, click on “create page@username.” If possible, use your business name. 

Facebook Business Page Content

You need a content marketing strategy for your website that ties in with your Facebook business page.

Now that you’ve got a business page, what do you put on it? There are several different types of posts.  

Simple Sentence Status Post

One of the simplest posts is a single sentence without photos. You’ll type this straight into the status bar on the page. 

Ask your followers a simple question to spark comments and help with ideas for more content. For instance, if you sell t-shirts, ask your customers what colors, sizes, or designs they like best. 

The most important aspect of any post is its ability to engage your audience. You’ll get lots of feedback that helps you identify your customer demographic. 

A Photo Post 

A photo post is like a simple sentence except it also includes a photo. You don’t have to spend hours getting the perfect photo but aim for high-quality photos with visual appeal. 

If you sell a product, use plenty of photos of your product. Do you sell services? Use infographics, illustrations, and other visuals describing your business. 

Keep in mind that photographs carry a copyright. Don’t take photos from off the web and use them on your website or Facebook page unless you have permission. 

If you don’t have photos of your own, look for stock photo sites where you can pay a small free or even get free photos. 

Link Posts

Link posts are posts that link to outside content such as your website. Most of the time, you’ll want to link to content on your own website. 

These posts get more engagement than a simple status or photo post.

Video Posts

People love watching videos, and video posts get lots of engagement. You don’t need an expensive, well-orchestrated video. You can make videos yourself with your smartphone. 

Short videos have more appeal. If you’re doing an ongoing informational video series, it’s okay if the videos are longer. 

Facebook Polls

Remember the status post that asks a question? A Facebook poll gets even better engagement. 

Create a simple poll for your followers. Go to the status bar and click on “Event, Milestone +.” 

Click on the “question” option and type in the poll question. It’s that easy!

Live Video

It’s fun giving your followers a behind-the-scenes look at some of your processes or people. Just remember that you’re live! Your followers see any mishaps or missteps. 

Facebook Live garners lots of views with over six times more engagement than regular video. Get over your stage fright and try going live!

Start a Facebook Group

Consider starting a Facebook group. Invite your followers to join the group and offer them valuable content within the group page.

You can also run contests and giveaways and offer special coupons. You can look for brand ambassadors in your group too.

Click on “Groups” on the left side of your page, then click on “Create Group.” Choose your group settings and align them with the purpose of your group. Make sure the group name makes the purpose of your group clear. 

Creating your own group signals your leadership in your niche or industry. 

Facebook Ads

If you’ve taken your free marketing as far as you can go on Facebook, it’s time for Facebook ads. 

Create an ads account by selecting “Create Ads” from the upper-right corner drop-down menu. The Ads Manager generates your account and even guides you through setting up your first ad.

You can aim your ads at a specific audience and demographic which is what makes Facebook ads so effective. The other great thing about Facebook ads is you can set them for any budget. 

Are you starting out and only have a small budget? You can advertise for as little as a few dollars at a time. 

Facebook Marketing 101 for Your Business

Now you know about Facebook marketing 101! If you don’t have a Facebook business page, get one today. 

Start engaging with your audience through status posts and photo posts. Ask your audience questions using polls and generate future content ideas with their answers. 

Use videos and live video for even better engagement with your potential customers. Establish yourself as an industry leader through the thoughtful use of Facebook groups. 

Don’t forget Facebook ads! Facebook’s ads help you reach a targeted demographic and get more traffic to your pages and website. 

If you’re not using Facebook for marketing, it’s time to start. Need help with your Facebook marketing? Contact us today!

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