Practice Self-Regulation

Practice Self-Regulation

e-PS-R is a blended learning adaption that was created in partnership with Sentient Research and Resources For Resolving Violence, Inc who are the creators of the content and own the program.

This custom e-learning solution was adapted from Practice Self-Regulation (PS-R), an empirically-based, trauma-informed sexual health intervention, designed for teens impacted by adverse childhood experiences. The model is based on affect regulation—the ability to manage emotions without causing harm to self or others. It addresses many underlying issues that put youth who have experienced trauma at increased risk for teen pregnancy, STI’s, HIV, and sexual harm.

This innovative program allows the intervention to be implemented across a broad range of venues in order to reach more vulnerable youth in under-resourced and rural areas across the US. The original clinical program has been adapted for facilitation by non-clinically trained professionals, such as parole offers or case managers.


Our Services

Ripe provided the following services for e-PS-R:

  • Custom eLearning Solutions
  • Custom eLearning Design
  • Custom eLearning Development
  • Adobe Captivate Design & Development
  • WordPress Design & Development
  • LMS Integration